St Denys The Minster Church
About Our Church
The Minster is the parish church of Warminster and the town’s oldest church. Worship is the centre of church life and a range of services is offered reflecting the needs of town and rural life and incorporating both traditional and more modern styles of worship.

Besides worship, and in the main supported and run by a number of lay people, there are a wide variety of activities and groups which minister to the community within the parish and make their presence felt through the civic and social life of Warminster on a daily basis. Working with other churches of all denominations, members of the congregation help run the local Food Bank, provide volunteers for the drop-in centre ‘Cornerstone’, are among the Street Pastors out on the streets of Warminster every weekend providing pastoral support and a listening ear, and conduct weekly ‘Open the Book’ term time assemblies at Princecroft Primary School. We also have very close links with The Minster CofE Primary School and Warminster School.
As the building is the largest church building in the town it is regularly used for large concerts. The west end has a modern meeting area which incorporates a fully equipped kitchen and lavatory facilities.
All are welcome to our Holy Communion BCP held every Sunday at 8am and our Eucharist Service held every Sunday at 9.30am.
We also have morning prayer every Monday to Thursday and Saturday at 8am.
Minster Church is open daily for private prayer.
Knit and Natter takes place on 2nd Monday of the month from 10.30 – 11.30am. The next session will take place on 13th March 2023. All welcome.
Messy Minster is held a number of times a year – Our Easter Messy Minster will be held on 25th March 2023, 10.30am to midday, including crafts and refreshments. Children should attend with an adult.
Find Us
Church Street, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8PQ.
We do have a car park to the West Side of the Church.
We also have a Facebook Page with up-to-date events and information. Please follow, like and share.
St Denys the Minster Church
Church Street, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 8PQ.

Groups at The Minster
Oasis is a regular weekly coffee morning providing a forum for lively discussion. This is on every Tuesday at 10.30am to 11.30am during Term Time.
Rainbows 4.30pm to 5.30pm and Brownies 5.30pm to 7pm every Thursday during Term Time.
Minster Meerkats Parents and Toddlers 10.30am to 11.30am every Thursday during Term Time.
Scrabble Club – Keep an eye on what’s on for updates
Knit and Natter Club – Keep an eye on what’s on for updates
Messy Church is held a number of times a year – Keep an eye on what’s on for updates
Minster Bells for D-Day
On Thursday, June 6 the nation will come together to remember the tens of thousands of allied forces who gave service on D-DAY eighty years ago and helped secure the peace we in the UK enjoy today.
From early morning when the sun rises to evening as night descends, church bells will ring out, special flags will be flown, schoolchildren will learn stories about their great grandparents, town criers will proclaim the victory, the haunting sound of bagpipes will fill the air and, in a final gesture of homage, beacons and Lamp Lights of Peace will be lit to signify the light that emerged from the dreadful darkness of war.
The Tower Captain of St Denys church Warminster bell ringers, says “For us to be able to play even a small part in paying tribute to the fallen is humbling and a great honour. In remembrance, we will be ringing the amazing bells of St Denys from 18:30 on Thursday 6 June, and we hope that all those who hear the bells will think of the bravery and sacrifices of many.”
Bruno Peek CVO OBE OPR Pageantmaster of D-Day80, and of the 80-day countdown to June 6, 2024, says; “In 1944 Allied forces mounted the largest amphibious invasion the world has ever witnessed. Operation Overlord, D-Day, saw over 5,000 ships and landing craft set down more than 150,000 troops on the five Normandy beaches that would bring about the liberation of north-west Europe from Nazi occupation.
The History of St Denys The Minster Church